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Patrick O’ Hare is an Uilleann piper and pipe maker from Belfast, Ireland. He began playing the tin whistle at age 9 and then began the pipes at age 12. As a piper he has travelled extensively throughout the world as both a soloist and with various groups. His most prolific group work was with The McPeake family and Craobh Rua. He learned much of his music with the Mc Peake family and credits Francis McPeake III with being the inspiration for his journey with the Uilleann pipes. He is highly regarded as a skilled piper


As a reedmaker he has established himself as one of the foremost authorities in the world today. His recent publication “A Guide to Reedmaking For The Uilleann Pipes”, launched at the Leo Rowsome Commemorative event in Na Piobairi Uilleann in 2013, is now one of the most popular publications on the subject today and is considered a benchmark for learning reedmaking for the Uilleann Pipes.


He is a regular teacher at the pipe making school in Dublin, ran by Na Piobairi Uilleann and his reeds and instruments are played by some of the top exponents of Uilleann piping today.


With his pipemaking he combines his extensive reedmaking knowledge and engineering expertise to produce pipes that are crisp and vibrant in sound , paying homage to the great master Leo Rowsome his reeds and pipes are designed and made as one systems to produce a sound that is pure in tone with excellent tuning. The aesthetic of his pipes are designed to be uncluttered yet elegant based upon classis examples of Leo Rowsome concert pitch Uilleann pipes.


During the day he masquerades as a school teacher, teaching technology and design and engineering. He enjoys combining elements from academic training and craft skills to produce Uilleann pipes that are in tune, melodic and comfortable to play.

Patrick O' Hare Uilleann Pipes


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